vineri, 14 august 2015

The Outstanding Virtue Of Imagination-Prelude

        Running for what seemed to be an eternity, I finally managed to find cover from the wraith that was chasing me. Drips of sweat were covering my face, while my heavy breathing and overall exhausting feeling that I had were coursing through my battered body, slowly but surely draining me from what was left of my already shattered energy. I can barely remember what happened, while I was down that accursed network of abandoned buildings. Why me? Why does my curiosity always have to put me in situations like this? I can barely keep my footing from so much running, I have no idea how am I even capable of writing this, as that... that... ABOMINATION keeps getting closer and closer, trashing everything around, in a slow but sure attempt to find me and finish me. Maybe I wasn't born to survive this world, but for now, what matters most, is to keep running, and to not look back. I dread the moment when I'll hear that mortifying screech again.
           I have to escape.

3 comentarii:

  1. Bă, e frumos scris. Sunt cateva imagini vizuale ce transpun cititorul in pielea personajului, dar putine detalii. Cred ca ar mai fi mers ceva franturi despre "the thing". Cum distruge alea p-acolo, cum te-ai ascuns daca o eternitate ai fugit cautand adapost, poate niste trasaturi fizice ale chestiei. Mergea la final ceva de genul: "I think he spotted me". Ar fi intretinut subiectul si ar fi sporit dorinta cititorului de a vedea ce se intampla in continuare.

  2. Cum spunea si anonimul, e istet articolul dar cam sec. Lene?

    1. Încerc sa fac pe capitole cumva, asta e doar ca o prefață
